Smile Big Without Cosmetic Dentist

Expensive Cosmetic Dentistry

No need for a dentist to fix teeth gaps or missing teeth. Brighter Image Lab has highly advanced technology help any client smile big with confidence. Results of Expensive Dentistry I was on Facebook looking through things on there and I saw a little infomercial. Something like that would be amazing to somebody like me […]

Incredible Teeth Whitening Kit At Home (Without A Dentist!)

Teeth Whitening Kit from Brighter Image Lab

How can you get a teeth whitening kit to use at home, without a dentist? Read on to find out! Until now, most teeth cleaning was either done at the dentist’s office… or not done at all! But, we wanted to change the status quo and create an at home teeth whitening system that was […]

Broken Teeth Problem in Africa Gets Smile Makeover

Live Smile Makeover in Africa

All across the world people with broken teeth, gapped teeth, even missing teeth, can find a simple solution with Brighter Image Lab. Watch as one client jumps for joy at his results 5,000 miles away. People treat you like they see you. If they see you as the guy who manicures his image, dresses real […]

Do LED Teeth Whitening Kits Really Work? The Shocking Truth!

Do LED teeth whitening kits really work?

One of the popular beauty fads floating around social media is whitening your teeth using LED teeth whitening kits. You’ve probably seen them being touted by influencers or celebs that had a glowing device in their mouth and claim that their teeth have “never been whiter”. The herd mentality. We all want to “belong”. It’s […]

TOP Teeth Whitening Products: Stop Wasting Your Money!


Top Teeth Whitening Products One of the widely popular methods of brightening teeth is to use the top teeth whitening products.  Millions upon millions of people are doing it… ARE YOU? Statistic reports indicate that about 40.5 million people in the United States used tooth whitening products in 2018. Are they worth it? Let’s find out […]

Teeth Whitening Dentists: Skip The Insane Cost

Teeth Whitening Dentist Office

While teeth whitening dentists do offer treatments, you now have the power to order your own professional grade teeth whitening system – AND get it delivered to your doorstep! It’s more contagious than the flu. Not only is it intercultural, but it’s also something you are born knowing how to do. It makes you happier, […]

Is Teeth Whitening Toothpaste A Scam? The Truth Exposed!

Is teeth whitening toothpaste a scam?

Teeth Whitening Toothpaste – Is it a Scam? When it comes to teeth whitening toothpaste, you may have already learned “the hard way” that these products rarely live up to all of their marketing hype. That cheap price point of $5 may be enticing… but it certainly is a clear cut case of…. You get […]

Are Teeth Whitening Strips a Waste of Time and Money? Find Out Now!

Teeth whitening strips, do they work?

One of the widely popular methods of brightening smiles is to use teeth whitening strips. On a side note, did you know that there are 19 different types of smiles? It’s true! From a genuine or polite smile to an embarrassed or loving smile… you have options when it comes to HOW you smile. And […]

Discover The Best Teeth Whitening Method NOW!

Best teeth whitening isn't found in a store!

Want to know the best teeth whitening system money can buy? Of course you do!  Perhaps you’ve tried other teeth whitening kits and systems only to realize they gave you mediocre results (if any results at all!). If you are ready to get the white and sparkling smile you’ve always been dreaming of… keep on […]

Teeth Whitening Cost: Here’s What You Should Know

Teeth Cleaning Bleaching Special by Brighter Image Lab

What Does Teeth Whitening Cost? With bills to pay and a family to take care of, oftentimes you are faced with having to make some choices about WHAT to spend your hard earned money on. When it comes to looking your best, there is definitely no lack of products out there practically screaming at you […]

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Too Far Away
Showing 1 Arch
Not Showing Teeth
The better your original photograph, the better your Snap On Dental Veneers results will be. Follow these simple tips for best results.
  • Face the camera for front shots
  • Face 90 degrees to the left/right for the side photos
  • Smile naturally and show your top and bottom arch teeth
  • Take in a well-lit area, do not pose with light behind you
  • If you must use flash, use the “red-eye” feature
  • For a close-up, shoot from nose to chin
  • For the full photos, shoot from the neck, shoulders or chest-up
  • Ask a friend to take the photo or use the self-timer

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Brighter Image
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How Does This Work?

Brighter Image Lab provides life-changing smile makeovers to thousands of clients every year.

We also partner with a non-profit named New Life Smile who matches people like you, with public and private funding sources to hopefully cover a portion (if not ALL) of your smile makeover costs. We’re ready to help right now!

We’ve already given away free smiles to people in your area and we’re ready to do a lot more!