Demoralizing Tooth Loss Causes These 3 Top Emotional Effects
Many issues can arise from something as serious as tooth loss: depression, poor self-esteem, and speech problems. These problems can lead to a person isolating themselves and being unwilling to socialize.
Austin Children’s Services Shines Light on Abuse On May 16
What makes a smile meaningful is the cause behind it. Austin Children’s Services believes a smile represents joy, passion, security, and hope. However, all too often those simple feelings are out of reach for children
Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Can Save You $1800 or More
Brighter Image Lab found a trip to the dentist just adds time and money to the process. Snap-On Smile doesn’t fix gaps, or misalignment in teeth. So why go to a dentist for affordable cosmetic dentistry that isn’t even dentistry?
Cheap Tijuana Dental Veneers or 3 Amazing Alternatives?
Tijuana Dental Veneers led to the creation of Press-On Veneers and saved many clients some money in the process. In 2008, the Great Recession forced businesses across the country to adapt or perish.
Traditional Dental Veneers – a Crushing $10K Plan
The Real problem with traditional dental veneers has little to do with how they function or their performance. Who determines what a normal, aesthetically pleasing smile looks like is the real issue. America struggled
1 Star Snap-On Smile Reviews and FAQs Exposed
In the suburbs of Chicago, from Skokie to Glenview to Wilmette to Northbrook, Snap-On Smile reviews and questions fuel debate regarding the effects and reliability of Snap-On Smile vs. traditional porcelain veneers.
Affordable Dental Choice (That Doesn’t Cost $10K+)
Every day we are confronted with numerous choices: Get up bright and early or hit the snooze button? Healthy lunch or fast food? This got my office to questioning, why is there not an affordable dental choice?
What are Press On Veneers? An Irresistibly Good Smile Solution
What are Press On Veneers and how do you get a smile you love? It’s a fair question, especially considering they are the most innovative cosmetic dental solution available today that no one knows about. Most dentists today know about Press On Veneers but they are reluctant to share this smile solution with their patients. […]