Effective Fluorosis Treatment and Prevention

What is fluorosis? Fluorosis treatment and prevention

There is a large amount of information about fluorosis treatment and prevention on the internet, but how do you know which advice to follow? One of the more common causes of teeth staining is fluorosis. For years dentists have touted the benefits of fluoride. They have campaigned for its inclusion in many dental products like […]

Fluoride Creates Huge Need for Client’s Smile Makeover

Flurosis Client Hates Dentist

Today I want to talk about fluoride but I also want to talk about the dentists that do videos that support fluoride. Hey guys! Happy New Year’s, Merry Christmas all that other stuff is all done and gone. I wanted to have a rant today I figured everybody’s at work. What you’re gonna see on […]

Fluoride In Water is Dangerous as it Creates 3 Problems

Fluoride in water - is it safe?

Fluoride In Water Is Harming Your Health You absolutely can’t miss out on what we are about to share about fluoride in water! Do you have spots and stains on your teeth Ever have trouble sleeping at night Are there an extra few pounds around your middle Your TAP water could be the culprit… Read […]

Fluorosis Emergency and 8 Problems Caused Besides Staining

Fluorosis - Protecting Our Children From The Dangers of Fluoride

Fluorosis – Protecting Our Children For decades dentists have informed us that our children need fluoride to shield their teeth from cavities. The fact is, fluoride is completely toxic. When consumed in high concentrations, fluoride causes dental fluorosis. In 1997, Dr. John Colquhoun stated, “Common sense should tell us that if a poison circulating in […]

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  • Face the camera for front shots
  • Face 90 degrees to the left/right for the side photos
  • Smile naturally and show your top and bottom arch teeth
  • Take in a well-lit area, do not pose with light behind you
  • If you must use flash, use the “red-eye” feature
  • For a close-up, shoot from nose to chin
  • For the full photos, shoot from the neck, shoulders or chest-up
  • Ask a friend to take the photo or use the self-timer

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How Does This Work?

Brighter Image Lab provides life-changing smile makeovers to thousands of clients every year.

We also partner with a non-profit named New Life Smile who matches people like you, with public and private funding sources to hopefully cover a portion (if not ALL) of your smile makeover costs. We’re ready to help right now!

We’ve already given away free smiles to people in your area and we’re ready to do a lot more!