Are Non-Dental Teeth Whitening and 2 Others in Jeopardy ?
What do Non-Dental Teeth Whitening, Legalzoom, and Uber have in common? The last decade has ushered in exponential growth in many businesses like non-dental teeth whitening . They have introduced
Composite Resin Veneers vs Porcelain A Report of 2 Veneers
Many people ask every day what the difference is between composite resin veneers and porcelain veneers. Dentists tout the benefits of porcelain veneers, but read to find out if new composite resin veneers may be right for you.
Dentist Office The Horror A Good 1 Near Me
School was out! Excitement filled my inner being. Then the reality of summer chores hit me. My list included athletic physicals, lawn mowing in the brutal Texas heat, and the dreaded trip to our local family dentist office.
Fluoride Causing Health Issues – A Problem For 50M People
Walk the self-care aisle of any store and you will find dental products that promise to do everything. Use one to get whiter teeth and one for sensitive teeth. Most of these products have one thing in common: they contain fluoride.
1 Rich Dentist Has Hate For Disruptive Technology
There are a lot of really great dentists out there. Sometimes, in our line of work, it’s easy to forget that. Often, it seems there is a better chance of a rich dentist overcharging people than a good dentist helping them.
Austin Children’s Services Shines Light on Abuse On May 16
What makes a smile meaningful is the cause behind it. Austin Children’s Services believes a smile represents joy, passion, security, and hope. However, all too often those simple feelings are out of reach for children
Regulate Teeth Whitening Dentists Hate 1 SCOTUS Ruling
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the North Carolina dental board does not have the authority to regulate teeth whitening services. By a 6-to-3 vote, the court said that the state board,
Creative Diagnosis Scam Hidden From 11 Patients
So how can you spot creative diagnosis when you go for your next cleaning? First, beware of specials: That laser dentistry and whitening package may be a ploy to get you in the door so the practice can upsell you
Demoralizing Tooth Loss Causes These 3 Top Emotional Effects
Many issues can arise from something as serious as tooth loss: depression, poor self-esteem, and speech problems. These problems can lead to a person isolating themselves and being unwilling to socialize.
Poor Teeth Shameful to 100s of Corrupt Rich Dentists
But expense isn’t the only barrier to dental care. Those on Medicaid find that few rich dentists participate in the program due to its low payout. And more than 45 million people in the US live in areas, often rural