A Bad Smile Will Cost You an Incredible Job -Read 4 Articles

bad smile to good smile

Which of these women will make a better impression at a job interview?

Like it or not, a bad smile can cost you a job. One of the most important aspects of your appearance to employers is your smile. A bright, white, straight smile conveys someone who cares enough about their appearance to take care of their smile. As a result, they seem to care about their job performance as well. In other words, the type of person a company would want to employ.

Recent statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics say roughly 10 million Americans (6.3%) are unemployed and looking for work. Many are searching for ways to give themselves that extra boost in their job search.

It’s Not Your Fault You Have A Bad Smile

However, there are obstacles in achieving the smile of your dreams. Chief among them is being able to afford a trip to the dentist when necessary. It’s difficult to do so when dental prices have risen much faster than the rate of inflation. Furthermore, dental insurance is not readily available to many. Approximately 130 million Americans have no dental coverage at all. They pay their dental bills solely out-of-pocket. Even those who do have dental insurance receive little more than a slight discount on dental procedures. Going to the dentist is now a luxury – only available to those who have expendable income.

In addition, most dentists have not made it a priority to treat patients in inner city and in rural communities. Less than 20 percent of American dentists offer care to Medicaid recipients. An even smaller percentage serve those who are below the poverty line, chronically ill, or living in a rural area. In short, the needs of many with a bad smile are not being met.

A Bad Smile Keeps People Down

Studies have shown a strong correlation between appearance and income. Bad teeth hinders job searching.

Without access to affordable dental care there needs to be other options for those looking to brighten their smile and gain confidence. Even the most qualified candidates may find themselves passed-over in favor of a candidate with a more ideal smile.

An unattractive smile is a struggle all on its own. This is only compounded when attempting to entering the workforce. Consider #BrighterImageLab as an alternative option for your cosmetic smile needs. Go from a bad smile to a great smile – much more affordably than with a dentist! 100% online!

good smiles at job interviews

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    Do you need to
    improve your smile?

    My name’s Bil Watson.
    I’m determined to improve someone’s smile today. Maybe it can be yours?

      Too Far Away
      Showing 1 Arch
      Not Showing Teeth
      The better your original photograph, the better your Snap On Dental Veneers results will be. Follow these simple tips for best results.
      • Face the camera for front shots
      • Face 90 degrees to the left/right for the side photos
      • Smile naturally and show your top and bottom arch teeth
      • Take in a well-lit area, do not pose with light behind you
      • If you must use flash, use the “red-eye” feature
      • For a close-up, shoot from nose to chin
      • For the full photos, shoot from the neck, shoulders or chest-up
      • Ask a friend to take the photo or use the self-timer

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      How Does This Work?

      Brighter Image Lab provides life-changing smile makeovers to thousands of clients every year.

      We also partner with a non-profit named New Life Smile who matches people like you, with public and private funding sources to hopefully cover a portion (if not ALL) of your smile makeover costs. We’re ready to help right now!

      We’ve already given away free smiles to people in your area and we’re ready to do a lot more!

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